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Pink October

صورة الكاتب: akelaalsadiqakelaalsadiq

Support the women around the world, participate with us and call Monuments to own your model to increase the awareness of breast cancer.

Since October is breast cancer awareness month, MONUMENTS decide to make this Little Mockup of the MAMMOGRAM, to participate in increasing the awareness and supporting the breast cancer patient. Because of that sharing, an email and spreading awareness about breast cancer are so important.

Every day, more than 70 Canadians are diagnosed with breast cancer and one in eight Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

It’s a disease that affects everyone; from those who are diagnosed to their family members, friends and loved ones. Every Canadian has likely been touched by cancer in some way.

That’s why Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a crucial time to educate people about the importance of early screening and treatment

Follow us on Instagram and rise up your voice with the hashtag #monuemnts_pinkoctober

Get your 3D model of the mammogram now !


The model will help you in the breast cancer campaign by learning with a model that mimics the Reality

Be a life-saving by supporting with the increasing awareness with the model

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